It was a good start to 2015 with a 8 players enjoying an afternoon of strummin together. We welcomed back John and Margaret from Oregon, always fun to have them here, as well as 3 new players to our group. I introduced "Do You Love an Apple", a traditional tune, and everyone caught on quickly. We then had a medley of old standbys such as "Old Joe Clark", "June Apple", "Mississippi Sawyer", and, of course, those "Cabbages". We followed this with our song circle and enjoyed playing and listening to some different tunes and discussed various techniques.
We will continue our monthly meetings at Bellingham Unitarian Fellowship at 1:30 on the second Saturday of the month. We will also continue our weekly practices at The Willows, 11:00 on Wednesdays room 101 on the first floor level. All are welcome as we develop a list of tunes that will become our Spring medley.
Our club tunes are also listed on this page and available on the website. If you are looking for a music book, a number of us have bought "Fun Fiddle Tunes" by Dave Haas (available on the web). It has all the traditional tunes played in groups and has exercises along with 2 CD's to play along with.
For the next two months there will be other members hosting, Jerry Kramer will host the February meeting.
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